The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Team Meeting Minutes from Sept. 11th.

RCIA Team Meeting Minutes
Thursday 9-11-08

In attendance: Dave Campbell, Dave Jordan, Paul Townsend, Diane Chapman, Darleen Coco.

Discussion of scheduling December Team Meeting:
A Wednesday or Thursday in the first few weeks was agreed upon and Dave would check with Marcial for final date.

Review Up Coming Events on Calendar:
There are 2 Activities left for Sept.; Mother Lillie’s Spiritual Dinner at St. Brigid’s in Pacific Beach on the 27th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. and Padre Pio Mass on the 28th at USD at 2:00 p.m. Diane Chapman added a new event for October Activities.We have Life Chain; Pro Life Rosary, American Needs Fatima Prayer Rally, Turkey Dinner, and Life Walk. Dave will add the times and dates to calendar. Darleen Coco will create a sign up sheet for both months.

Dismissal Status :
Nancy McCue wants to do dismissals and may come this Sunday for training. Diane Chapman will be a substitute after we find enough volunteers for Dismissals.

Tuesday Night Status:
Hal Gansert will do “Lord’s Prayer” on Oct. 28th.
Marcial Lopez will teach “Salvation History, Christ” on Nov. 11th; Paul Townsend will teach “The Last Things” on Nov. 18th; Paul may also do “Mass and Liturgy” on Dec. 16th; Diane Chapman will teach a class and let us know what topic; Joan Gansert will teach “Centering Prayer” on Dec. 9th.
Friday sessions with Fr. Andre: Dave Campbell will meet with Father to discuss Catechumenate Part 1. Others are welcome to join them. Catechumenate Part 1 Dave Campbell presented this informative topic and will present Part 2 at the next meeting.

Inquiry Interviews

When some one first starts Inquiry with RCIA, we set up an interview. The point is to get to know the person so we best gauge where they are and what they need from the program. We also fill out some paperwork on their sacramental history for our records. An important part of the interview is to determine if there have been any past marriages, as those are going to require extra attention depending upon the particulars. The interview is also a good time for the person to get to know us and ask any questions they might have.

Here is the Interview form I have used in the past.

Inquiry Interview

Interviewer:_______ Interviewed by Pastor? Yes/No



Phone: Home:________________________ Cell:_________________________



Birth Date:______________________ Place of Birth:_______________________

Mother’s Maiden Name: __________________________________

Father’s Name: ___________________________________


Spouse:________________________ Occupation:_________________________

Children: ______________________

Catholic Sacramental History

Baptized? Yes/No­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________ If Yes, Please Answer the following:
Year of Baptism:__________ Church Baptized:__________________

Place of Baptism:_________________

Denomination: Catholic/Other If Other Please State: _____________

Received Confirmation? Yes/No Received 1st Communion Yes/No

Other Religious Affiliation

Baptized? Yes/No­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________ Received Confirmation? Yes/No

Current Member of a Church?__________________________

Personal Information

What interests you about the Catholic Church? Why do you want to become Catholic?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you know someone here at Immaculate Heart of Mary? Yes/No
If yes who?_________________

What are your Hobbies and other interests?________________________________________________________________

What are your strengths/weaknesses?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you comfortable in group settings?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What types of prayer do you enjoy?__________________________________________________________________

What types of volunteer work do you like to participate in?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Anything else you want to share?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Marriage Info

Marital Status: Married/Single/Engaged

Name of Spouse:___________________ Spouse’s Religion__________________

# of Children________________ Religion of Children:__________________

Present Marriage: Date:___________ Place:________________ Church:______________

Previous Marriage:_____________ If yes, how many times?_____________
Spouse: Previous Marriage:_____________ If yes, how many times?_____________

Previous Marriage Info

If you have been married before please answer the following:


Was the marriage civil or before a minister or priest?____________________

Were you baptized in a faith before marriage? Yes/No

If so what religion?_________________

What was your spouse’s religion at the time of the marriage?______________

Was your spouse baptized prior to the time of marriage? Yes/No

How long were you married?_____ Children born from the marriage? Yes/No

Has your former spouse remarried?________ Are they still married?__________

Former spouse deceased? Yes/No

How was marriage dissolved?__________________

Annulment Info

Annulment: Yes/No? Year:____ Date:________ Civil or Church:__________

If Civil, recorded: Date:_______ City:_________________ State:___________

If annulled by the Catholic Church: Date:_________
Parish Address:________________________________
Do you have a copy of the annulment papers? Yes/No

Divorce Info

Divorce Recorded: City:_____________________ State:____________________

Do you have the marriage certificate? Yes/No __________________

Do you have the divorce decree? Yes/ No _____________________

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History - Moses and Israel

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History – Moses and Israel

Moses Birth
Exodus 1
Exodus 2:1-16

Moses and the Burning Bush
Exodus 3
Exodus 4:1-17

Moses and the Pharaoh and the release of Israel
Exodus 5
Exodus 7
Exodus 8
Exodus 9
Exodus 10
Exodus 11
Exodus 12
Exodus 14
Exodus 15

Manna and Quail
Exodus 16

Meribah and Massah
Exodus 17
Numbers 20:1-13

The Great Theophany
Exodus 19
Exodus 20
Exodus 24
Exodus 32
Exodus 34

The Crossing of the Jordan
Deut 8:1-6
Deut 34

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History - Patriarchs

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History – Patriarchs

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Genesis 12:1-8
Genesis 13: 14-18
Genesis 15
Genesis 16
Genesis 17
Genesis 18
Genesis 19
Genesis 22
Genesis 24
Genesis 25: 21:34
Genesis 27
Genesis 29
Genesis 30: 1-24
Genesis 32: 24-32

Tell the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac. God is working with a tribe, and builds out of them a people. God makes a covenant with Abraham to make his descendants numerous, to give him a land, to bless the nations through his descendants, and among them shall be royalty.

The son of Isaac is Jacob. Jacob has twelve sons, each fathers a tribe of people and become known as the twelve tribes of Israel. Israel is the name of Jacob, which means one who wrestled with God and lived.

At the end of Genesis Israel is living in prosperity in Egypt.

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History - Genesis

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History – Genesis

Genesis 1
Genesis 2
Genesis 3

How does the book of Genesis start? In the beginning…. That is the question the book is trying to answer: Where did we come from? Where did the world come from? What happened in the beginning?

The boom of Genesis is not a scientific account of creation, evolution, or Big Bang theory. The literary style of the book is a ‘myth’. Because the literary style is ‘myth’, there is still divine truth being revealed in the book to answer our questions.

God creates the universe. In a special way he creates man in his image. Man and woman are created in his image, and are partners. There is first sin, and as a result a fall of man and of creation. God’s effort to redeem mankind begins with Adam and Eve, a married couple.

Adam and Eve.

Genesis 3

Cain and Able.
Genesis 4

The Flood
Genesis 6:5-22
Genesis 7
Genesis 8

The next effort to rid the world of sin is by saving Noah from the flood. Now God is working with a family. God makes a covenant with Noah, the rainbow, to never send the flood again.

Catechumenate Topic: Divien Revelation the Word of God

Catechumenate Topic: Divine Revelation

“By natural reason man can know God with certainty, on the basis of his works. But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine Revelation.1 Through an utterly free decision, God has revealed himself and given himself to man.” -CCC

Have someone read John 1:1-5,10-11,14

“In giving us his Son, his only Word (for he possesses no other), he spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word – and he has no more to say ... because what he spoke before to the prophets in parts, he has now spoken all at once by giving us the All Who is His Son. Any person questioning God or desiring some vision or revelation would be guilty not only of foolish behavior but also of offending him, by not fixing his eyes entirely upon Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty.” –St. John of the Cross

God has been revealing himself in gradual stages through the centuries to His chosen people Israel. The completion, perfection, and totality of this revelation is the communication of God’s own self in his own son, Jesus Christ, the Word Made Flesh. In Christ all of Divine Revelation is communicated at once. Nothing can ever be added to this revelation, as it is already complete, perfect, and total.

The Apostles are given the task of handing the revelation on to the whole world so that all may come to know God and be His people. Left with this task the Apostles used oral words and written word to pass on the Word.

Along with the Old Testament some of the written words of the apostles were codified into the Canon (List) of scriptures or the Bible toward the end of the fourth century. Pope Damasus called the Synod of Rome to address the Canon in 382, the African Churches took up the topic at their Synods of Hippo and Carthage in 393, 397, and 419. Pope Innocent I in 405 sent the Canon of books to one of his bishops when asked what books should be regarded as scripture. Included in this canon are seven Old Testament books that are now excluded from protestant Bibles; they are Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, I and II Maccabees, and portions of Esther and Daniel. In response to the exclusion of these books by some Christian communities, the Church explicitly defined the Canon in 1546 and the Council of Trent.

When reading Scripture we should be aware of four different layers of meanings, or senses of scripture. They are:

Literal – The intended meaning of the author, this is not to be confused with a literalist meaning which does not regard figures of speech.

Allegorical – Deals with archetypes where the events and stories of the Old Testament find their perfection and fulfillment in the New Testament. The crossing of the Red Sea is a sign or type of Baptism.

Anagogical – Teaches about the eternal destiny of God’s people and the world.

Moral – Tells us how we are to behave, and what is right and what is wrong.

The New Testament should be read in the light of the Old Testament, and the Old testament should be read in the light of Christ as shown in the New Testament. “The NT lies hidden in the OT, and the OT is unveiled in the NT.”-St. Augustine

“The Church "forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful . . . to learn ‘the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ,' by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. ‘Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.’””-St. Jerome -CCC-

Sunday, September 7, 2008

RCIA Team Meeting Agenda

Thursday 9-11-08

Introductions (5 min)

Schedule December Team Meeting

Review Up Coming Events on Calendar (5 min)

Dismissal Status (5 min)

Tuesday Night Status (5 min)

Catechumen and Candidate Status (5 min, Confidential)

Friday sessions with Fr. Andre (5 min)


Catechumenate Part 1 (30 min)
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