The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Syllbus 2008-2009

Topics in Catechumenate Source Material

God the Father "CCC: Part 1, Section 1, Ch1; and Section 2, Chapter 1"

Divine Revelation: Tradition "CCC: Part 1, Section 1, Ch2, Articles 1 and 2"

Divine Revelation: Scripture "CCC: Part 1, Section 1, Ch2, Article 3"God the Son "CCC: Part 1, Section 2, Chapter 2"

God the Holy Spirit "CCC: Part 1, Section 2, Chapter 3, Arcticle 8"

Creed "CCC: Part 1, Section 1, Ch3"

Mary and the Saints "CCC: Part 1, Section 2, Chapter 3, Arcticle 9, para 5-6"

Baptism "CCC: Part 1, Section 2, Chapter 3, Arcticle 10; Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 1, Article 1"

Confirmation "CCC: Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 1, Article 2"

Eucharist "CCC: Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 1, Article 3"

Eucharistic Adoration "Pray in front of the Tabernacle or the Exposed Eucharist"

Reconciliation "CCC: Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 2, Article 4"

Anointing of the sick "CCC: Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 2, Article 5"

Marriage "CCC: Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 3, Article 7"

Holy Orders "CCC: Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 3, Article 6"

Divine Mercy "Chaplet Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet"

Discipleship "CCC: Part 3, Section 1, Chapter 1, Article 2"

Life Issues "CCC: Part 3, Section 2, Chapter 2, Article 5-6"

Justice and Peace "CCC: Part 3, Section 1, Chapter 2"

Singing "Sing as a form of prayer"

Divine Revelation: the Word of God "Bible: John Ch 1"

Salvation History: Creation "Bible: Genesis Ch1-11"

Salvation History: Patriarchs "Bible: Genesis Ch12-50"

Salvation History: Moses and Israel "Bible:Exodus"

Lord's Prayer "Pray the Lord's Prayer"

Salvation History: David, Exile, and Return "Bible: 1, 2 Samuel, 1,2 Kings, 1,2 Chronicles"

Salvation History: Christ "Bible: Read 1 of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John."

Christian History in short "Bible: Acts of the Apostles"

The Last Things "Bible: TBD"

Centering Prayer "Meditate on Christ"

The Church "CCC: Part 3, Section 1, Chapter 3, Article 3"

Mass and Liturgy "CCC: Part 2, Section 1"

Liturgy of the Hours "Pray the Liturgy of the Hours"

Baptism in Scripture "Bible: TBD"

Eucharist in Scripture "Bible: TBD"

Decalogue "CCC: Part 3, Section 2"

Rosary "Pray the Rosary"

Morality and Sin "CCC: Part 3, Section 1, Chapter 1, Arcticle 3-8;"

Human Sexuality "CCC: Part 3, Section 2, Chapter 2, Article 6"

Discipleship in scripture "Bible: Acts of the Apostles"


The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which the Catholic Church receives into full membership those people who seek to follow Christ and be Catholic Christians.

The RCIA process is a walk of faith with God. As such it is a natural process and not a regimented program. The RCIA process takes an individual as long as it takes them.

The RCIA Team at Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Parish of Ramona is a group of Catholics who minister to those individuals seeking to become Catholic.

The mission of the RCIA Team at IHM is to make disciples of all of Ramona, teaching them and baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

The RCIA Team is flexible, adaptable, and humble, recognizing that each person coming through our doors is a unique soul that has never happened before and will never happen again. We are humbled by our responsibility and constantly seek Christ to help us.

The RCIA Team ministers to these individuals as long as there are people interested in discovering the Catholic Faith. The RCIA Team at IHM does not take breaks to accommodate the academic calendar, because Christ does not take such breaks in calling people to His Church. It is the goal of the RCIA team to build up to a Catechumenate which lasts a full year, allowing the Catechumens to experience the full liturgical year before being baptized.

At IHM the RCIA Team is also responsible for the formation of those adult Catholics seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation and to deepen their Faith in God.

This Team Book is meant as an aide for RCIA Team. This book is meant to be edited and updated at least once a year as the RCIA team learns and adapts. The RCIA is never content with “the way it has always be done” while at the same time treasuring our experiences cooperating with God.

Lastly, the RCIA Team recognizes that if we are perfectly prepared, know everything in the Bible, the Catechism, and Church History, have an abundance of expertly trained catechists and sponsors, but do not have Christ, we will fail. Even if we are poorly prepared, overworked, undermanned, under trained, but Christ is with us, He will succeed. Our responsibility is to be well prepared, well organized, well trained, and rooted in prayer; so that we may best cooperate with the Lord in His ministry of RCIA.

Program Materials

[1] Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Study Edition
Publisher: USCCB
ISBN: 1-55586-214-4

[2] New American Bible: St. Joseph Edition
Publisher: Catholic Book Publishing Co.
ISBN: 0-89942-962-9

[3] Catechism of the Catholic Church
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 0-87973-977-0

Terms and Definitions

Candidate – A validly baptized Christian (non-Catholic) seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. Candidate may need different levels of evangelization, and catechesis. Un-catechized candidates need to go through the full RCIA process. Catechized candidates may simply need some level of further catechesis culminating in a profession of faith and the reception of the sacraments.

Catechist – A person responsible for accurately and faithfully teaching the practices and dogmas of the Catholic Church, trained by the Diocese.

Catechumen – An un-baptized adult seeking entrance into the Catholic Church who has gone through the Rite of Acceptance. A Catechumen needs to be Evangelized and Catechized.

Catechumenate – The period of RCIA between the Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Election where Catechumens and Candidates receive proper catechesis and formation along with a deepening of their faith.

Easter Vigil – The Mass where Catechumens and into the Church and receive the sacraments.

Elect – The unbaptized you are preparing to be Baptized, Confirmed, and receive 1st Communion at the Easter Vigil. Catechumens are Elected at the Rite of Election.

Evangelist – A person who seeks to expose others to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, with the goal of leading them to a life of faith and a conversion of their life. The primary method of evangelization is the sharing of your personal faith story.

Godparent – A faithful Catholic chosen by the Catechumen or Candidate, approved by the pastor, who guides the Catechumen or Candidate after the Rite of Election.

Mystagogy – The period after the Easter Vigil where the Catechumens and Candidate, now Neophytes are integrated into the parish community and enter into a deeper understanding of their new sacramental life.

Period of Purification and Enlightenment – The period between the Rite of Election and the Easter Vigil where Catechumens and Candidates engage in deep reflection and discernment on their life, relationship with God, and call to faith.

Pre-Catechumenate – The period of RCIA before the Rite of Acceptance when people inquire into the Catholic Church without commitment.

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, it is the process by which adults come into full communion with the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church.

Rite of Acceptance – The Rite through which the Church welcomes un-baptized adults into the Order of Catechumens where they will seek entrance into the Church. A modified Rite may be used to welcome baptized but un-catechized Christians as Candidates seeking full communion with the Catholic Church.

Rite of Election – The Rite at the beginning of Lent where Catechumens and Candidates are presented to the Bishop prior to their receiving the sacraments.

Sponsor – A faithful Catholic who guides a Catechumen or Candidate from the Rite of Acceptance to the Rite of Election.


Welcome to RCIA in Ramona. This blog is being built for the teachers and students of the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) program at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Ramona, CA. This blog will be a tool for distributing helpful information and material to teachers, students, and anyone interested.
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