The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History - Patriarchs

Catechumenate Topic: Salvation History – Patriarchs

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Genesis 12:1-8
Genesis 13: 14-18
Genesis 15
Genesis 16
Genesis 17
Genesis 18
Genesis 19
Genesis 22
Genesis 24
Genesis 25: 21:34
Genesis 27
Genesis 29
Genesis 30: 1-24
Genesis 32: 24-32

Tell the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac. God is working with a tribe, and builds out of them a people. God makes a covenant with Abraham to make his descendants numerous, to give him a land, to bless the nations through his descendants, and among them shall be royalty.

The son of Isaac is Jacob. Jacob has twelve sons, each fathers a tribe of people and become known as the twelve tribes of Israel. Israel is the name of Jacob, which means one who wrestled with God and lived.

At the end of Genesis Israel is living in prosperity in Egypt.

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