The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Inquiry Interviews

When some one first starts Inquiry with RCIA, we set up an interview. The point is to get to know the person so we best gauge where they are and what they need from the program. We also fill out some paperwork on their sacramental history for our records. An important part of the interview is to determine if there have been any past marriages, as those are going to require extra attention depending upon the particulars. The interview is also a good time for the person to get to know us and ask any questions they might have.

Here is the Interview form I have used in the past.

Inquiry Interview

Interviewer:_______ Interviewed by Pastor? Yes/No



Phone: Home:________________________ Cell:_________________________



Birth Date:______________________ Place of Birth:_______________________

Mother’s Maiden Name: __________________________________

Father’s Name: ___________________________________


Spouse:________________________ Occupation:_________________________

Children: ______________________

Catholic Sacramental History

Baptized? Yes/No­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________ If Yes, Please Answer the following:
Year of Baptism:__________ Church Baptized:__________________

Place of Baptism:_________________

Denomination: Catholic/Other If Other Please State: _____________

Received Confirmation? Yes/No Received 1st Communion Yes/No

Other Religious Affiliation

Baptized? Yes/No­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________ Received Confirmation? Yes/No

Current Member of a Church?__________________________

Personal Information

What interests you about the Catholic Church? Why do you want to become Catholic?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you know someone here at Immaculate Heart of Mary? Yes/No
If yes who?_________________

What are your Hobbies and other interests?________________________________________________________________

What are your strengths/weaknesses?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you comfortable in group settings?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What types of prayer do you enjoy?__________________________________________________________________

What types of volunteer work do you like to participate in?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Anything else you want to share?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Marriage Info

Marital Status: Married/Single/Engaged

Name of Spouse:___________________ Spouse’s Religion__________________

# of Children________________ Religion of Children:__________________

Present Marriage: Date:___________ Place:________________ Church:______________

Previous Marriage:_____________ If yes, how many times?_____________
Spouse: Previous Marriage:_____________ If yes, how many times?_____________

Previous Marriage Info

If you have been married before please answer the following:


Was the marriage civil or before a minister or priest?____________________

Were you baptized in a faith before marriage? Yes/No

If so what religion?_________________

What was your spouse’s religion at the time of the marriage?______________

Was your spouse baptized prior to the time of marriage? Yes/No

How long were you married?_____ Children born from the marriage? Yes/No

Has your former spouse remarried?________ Are they still married?__________

Former spouse deceased? Yes/No

How was marriage dissolved?__________________

Annulment Info

Annulment: Yes/No? Year:____ Date:________ Civil or Church:__________

If Civil, recorded: Date:_______ City:_________________ State:___________

If annulled by the Catholic Church: Date:_________
Parish Address:________________________________
Do you have a copy of the annulment papers? Yes/No

Divorce Info

Divorce Recorded: City:_____________________ State:____________________

Do you have the marriage certificate? Yes/No __________________

Do you have the divorce decree? Yes/ No _____________________

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