Thursday, August 28, 2008
Catechists For Adults
Catechists for Adults
- Catechist after Christ’s own heart.
- The best of the best.
- Love their students so much they refuse to teach them anything but the truth in all its fullness.
- Adapt and overcome.
Tips of the trade
- Talk about Christ.
o Never waste anytime getting to the topic of the Good Lord. 5 Minutes is too long. Use Mary as your example, she always points to her Son.
o No one is interested in the Church, as much as they are interested in God working through the Church.
o Share why you believe with the class early and often.
- Lesson Planning
o Plan Backwards: Start with what you want them to leave your class with.
o Then design everything to build up to it.
o Cut out the fluff.
o KISS – keep it simple stupid.
o Teach systematically. Cover the essentials first. Answer their questions.
o Use the catechism to find out what the essentials are.
o Rarely if ever use the CCC in class.
o CCC online:
- Generate Energy
o No yawning, act excited to be there
o In large groups never sit down. Go into the grab their attention when you need it.
o Look them in the face.
o In small groups, the more conversation the better.
o Ask questions, and then wait for the answer. Then work with what they give you.
o Ask for volunteers, and choose victims.
o Play games once in a while. Jeopardy, Hangman, Pictionary
- Bible
o Use it as much as possible.
o Have them use it.
o Tell them to bring it with them, that they are going to use it.
o Have them find the books, don’t give them page numbers.
o Have them read it, explain it, and teach it to each other
o Explain what happens in the Bible as stories, and the characters are very similar to us in many cases.
o Use a concordance to help with you lesson plan.
- Yes it is protestant, but the tools are still good, and free.
- Use the New Revised Standard, and you can search for words and phrases in parts of the Bible
- The NAB online:
o You have to read it to teach it. Here are bible studies on the weekly readings if you need help:
- Most important material in order or precedence:
o Bible
- Especially the Gospels which tell the life of Christ
o Catechism
o The personal witness and holiness of the catechist.
o Other programs, materials, books, and stuff are generally pretty useless, though some can be more helpful if you need ideas to get off of the ground. They are like training wheels, and in time are discarded, or at least rarely used.
What follows can be considered the opinion of Dave Campbell and is only worth as much as that.
What is the role of new media in catechesis and evangelization?
Internet-Should be largely used outside of the classroom. The Internet can be used to organize and socialize and quickly disseminate information. The internet can aid those looking for you, and for what you do. The internet has no role in the class room.
Video-Videos make good supplemental information for outside of the classroom. Videos can be used for make up work. They can be good from recruiting, inspiring, and advertising. Videos are best used outside the classroom. Except to tell a short inspiring story a video has no significant roll in the classroom. Videos are commonly used a crutch for a catechist, who lacks the time or willingness to master the material. Videos of only exceptional quality should ever be shown, and even then they may lack the connection that a live person can make with the class. A video has no faith.
Power Point – Power Point and similar presentations are often used incorrectly. Power point should be used to illustrate points and provide context for what the presenter is doing. Pictures and illustrations that match what the person is talking about. The presenter should never be reading from their power point. In the classroom, this is optional, and a good white board may negate any need for it.
Music- can be used for mediation, socializing, praise, or fellowship. It can be a good aide in the right spots. Music is probably best used when everyone participates. Different people like different music, and different music is more or less appropriate for catechetical and liturgical settings, and so care should be exercised when selecting music to use.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dismissal Prayer
Would the Catechumens and Candidates in the RCIA please come forward.My dear friends, this community now sends you forth to reflect more deeply upon the word of God which you have shared with us today. Be assured of our loving support and prayers for you. We look forward to the day when you will share fully in the Lord’s Table.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Why do we do RCIA that way?
This all rises to the big question of why do we do RCIA the way we do it at IHM?
In this post and others to follow it from time to time, I seek to answer that question in specific contexts.
How long does it take to go through RCIA?
That depends on you. RCIA is not a degree program. It is a walk in faith with the Lord. Some people walk faster than others, and some need to go farther than others. There are a series of gates in the process, and the criteria for passing through them is that you are ready, not that we reached a date on the calendar and that we have to be moving on. RCIA takes as long as it takes.
Why is our RCIA program year round?
RCIA is year around because because the Holy Spirit draws people to God all year long. If the Holy Spirit provides the inquirers, then our inquiry team goes to work.
RCIA is year around because if some comes to you on Pentecost and says they are interested in becoming Catholic and your answer is too come back in September when we start classes, than your program has a broken foundation.
RCIA catechists are here to serve the truth and those seeking it.
How many people do you have in RCIA?
I refrain from counting them, lest I delude myself into believing that it is I who make converts and not the Lord.
A better question is are we doing a good job of attending the needs of those in RCIA and are we inviting people who might be interested.
Do Baptized Candidates come into the Church on Easter?
Baptized Candidates come into the church when they are ready. Depending on their level of catechesis and faith they may need more or less catechesis and formation. The Rite is very clear that no greater burden than necessary be placed on candidates, after all they are already baptized. If the candidate is ready in the Easter season, we usually have make their profession during the Easter season but not at the Vigil. The Rite has the Easter Vigil really geared for baptism. If for pastoral reasons it we be good to included candidates we do, but it is not our default position. An example of pastoral reason may be a husband and wife where one is baptized at the Vigil and the other makes their profession of faith.
The short answer is we have the candidates make their profession of faith when they are ready and it makes sense. We don't do it on the Vigil unless we have a good reason.
Check back for more, and if there is something you want answered let me know!
Dismissal Training
1. Opening Prayer
Lord, according to Thy promise that the Gospel should be preached throughout the whole world, raise up men fit for such work. The Apostles were but soft and yielding clay till they were baked hard by the fire of the Holy Ghost. So, good Lord, do now in like manner with Thy Church militant. Change and make the soft and slippery earth into hard stones. Set in Thy Church strong and mighty pillars that may suffer and endure great labors – watching, poverty, thirst, hunger, cold and heat – which also shall not fear the threatenings of princes, persecution, neither death, but always persuade and think with themselves to suffer with a good will, slanders, shame, and all kinds of torments, for the glory and laud of Thy holy Name. By this manner, good Lord, the truth of Thy Gospel shall be preached throughout the world. Therefore, merciful Lord, exercise Thy mercy, show it indeed upon Thy Church.
-St. John Fisher
2. Contact Information
Director of Catechetical Ministries
Marcial Lopez
RCIA Coordinator
Dave Campbell
Home: 760-788-5887
Cell: 619-838-7318
Work: 858-592-4249
Parish Office
3. Introduction
This training material is intended to give basic instruction on leading an RCIA Sunday Dismissal (also referred to as Breaking Open the Word) at Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which the Catholic Church receives into full membership those people who seek to follow Christ and be Catholic Christians.
The RCIA process is a walk of faith with God. As such it is a natural process and not a regimented program. The RCIA process takes an individual as long as it takes them.
The RCIA Team at Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Parish of Ramona is a group of Catholics who minister to those individuals seeking to become Catholic.
The mission of the RCIA Team at IHM is to make disciples of all of Ramona, teaching them and baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The RCIA Team is flexible, adaptable, and humble, recognizing that each person coming through our doors is a unique soul that has never happened before and will never happen again. We are humbled by our responsibility and constantly seek Christ to help us.
The RCIA Team ministers to these individuals as long as there are people interested in discovering the Catholic Faith. The RCIA Team at IHM does not take breaks to accommodate the academic calendar, because Christ does not take such breaks in calling people to His Church. It is the goal of the RCIA team to build up to a Catechumenate which lasts a full year, allowing the Catechumens to experience the full liturgical year before being baptized.
At IHM the RCIA Team is also responsible for the formation of those adult Catholics seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation and to deepen their Faith in God.
Lastly, the RCIA Team recognizes that if we are perfectly prepared, know everything in the Bible, the Catechism, and Church History, have an abundance of expertly trained catechists and sponsors, but do not have Christ, we will fail. Even if we are poorly prepared, overworked, undermanned, under trained, but Christ is with us, He will succeed. Our responsibility is to be well prepared, well organized, well trained, and rooted in prayer; so that we may best cooperate with the Lord in His ministry of RCIA.
4. Dismissal Leader Job Description
The “Guide on the Side”
Time Commitment: 1 hour on a Sunday.
Gifts Needed:
Willingness to share your own Faith story
Small Group Facilitation
Love of Scripture
Ability to answer some basic questions on the readings:
What did this reading mean to the writer?
What does this reading mean to me when I heard it?
How am I going to apply it to my life tomorrow?
Activity Description: Lead the Catechumens and Candidates from the blessing to the place of the meeting. Open with prayer. Review the readings seeking their input and motivating their conversation. Once the conversation is in full swing, listen and gently guide. After 30 minutes close with a prayer, and return to the Church.
5. Listening
The Art of Listening
Show interest in the person
Focus on what they say, but also on why they say it.
Focus on Emotional Attitudes
Be aware of your own feelings and attitudes
Avoid talking too much about yourself
Avoid judgmental comments
Avoid controlling the conversation
Be sensitive to body language
6. CheckList
Breaking Open the Word and RCIA Mass Dismissal Check List
Get the key for the Ministry Center or other scheduled location ahead of time.
Read the Sunday’s readings ahead of time so you are prepared.
Bring the readings and the Dismissal Prayers with you.
Arrive to Mass 15 min. early.
Make sure the Priest knows there is an RCIA Dismissal after the Homily.
Get a spare copy of Lectionary from the Sacristy.
After the Homily, go to the front of the Church holding up the Lectionary. (Do this before the Priest stands up, it will remind him about the dismissal)
The Priest will call the Catechumens and the Candidates forward and bless them.
After the blessing lead them out of the Church holding up the Lectionary.
Lead them to the session location.
Begin with a Prayer.
Take Attendance and return to the RCIA Coordinator.
Have volunteers read the readings.
Discuss them, give everyone a chance to share, but do not let any one person dominate.
The session should take about 30 minutes.
Close with a prayer.
Close up any doors that were opened.
7. Dismissal Prayer
Most Priests will not ask for the dismissal prayer but some will (Fr. Lou will). If so give them this:
Dismissal Prayer
Would the Catechumens and Candidates in the RCIA please come forward.
My dear friends, this community now sends you forth to reflect more deeply upon the word of God which you have shared with us today. Be assured of our loving support and prayers for you. We look forward to the day when you will share fully in the Lord’s Table
8. Closing Reflection
It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view.
The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts,it is even beyond our vision.
We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said. No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession brings perfection. No pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the church's mission. No set of goals and objectives includes everything.
This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something,and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and do the rest.
We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker.
We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.-Archbishop. Oscar Romero
Dismissal Checklist
Breaking Open the Word and RCIA Mass Dismissal Check List
-Get the key for the Ministry Center or other scheduled location ahead of time.
-Read the Sunday’s readings ahead of time so you are prepared.
-Bring the readings and the Dismissal Prayers with you.
-Arrive to Mass 15 min. early.
-Make sure the Priest knows there is an RCIA Dismissal after the Homily.
-Get a spare copy of Lectionary from the Sacristy.
-After the Homily, go to the front of the Church holding up the Lectionary. (Do this before the Priest stands up, it will remind him about the dismissal)
-The Priest will call the Catechumens and the Candidates forward and bless them.
-After the blessing lead them out of the Church holding up the Lectionary.
-Lead them to the session location. This is where the key comes in handy.
-Begin with a Prayer.
-Have volunteers read the readings.
-Discuss them, give everyone a chance to share, but do not let any one person dominate.
-The session should take about 30 minutes.
-Close with a prayer.
-Sign the calendars of the catechumens.
-Close up any doors that were opened.
Catechist Spirituality
Catechist Spirituality
- A catechist never wastes any time bringing up the subject of the Good Lord.
- A catechist does not have an agenda, or a program that they are trying to promote. A catechist places themselves totally in the service of the truth. Specifically catechists teach what the Church teaches and nothing more. There is a place for opinion, but that place is not the catechetical setting.
- A catechist has to evangelize constantly, as well as teach doctrine. The heart and the head must move together or one will be left behind and act as an anchor holding the student back. Other principals that must be passed on are prayer, participation in community, and the habit of caring for others.
- A catechist must have a strong faith in Lord, and constantly care for it so that it remains strong.
- The most effective and important material for communicating the faith are in order of precedence:
o The Bible especially the Gospels
o The Catechism of the Catholic Church
o The living witness and example in faith of the catechist
- Catechists do not concern themselves with what they want to teach to their students, but more with what their students need to be taught.
- A catechist needs to listen, and generate conversation. The more conversation generated the more a catechist can evaluate the degree that the students are internalizing the information.
- Listening but do not judge, teach but do not condemn. If there is a mistake correct the mistake, but love the one who made it.
- Never waste any time bringing up the Good Lord. 5 minutes is too long. Connect everything back to Christ. Stop talking about the Church, and start talking about Christ living in the world through His Body the Church.
-An RCIA catechist does not count converts, lest they begin to think that it is they who make the convert and not the Holy Spirit.
-A catechist will say 'I don't know, let me get back to you.' rather than giving a bad answer to a question.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thank You and Come Join Us!
I also thought it would be good to mention all of the others who do so much.
Hal Gansert is our inquiry coordinator. When someone new starts Hal leads their inquiry sessions. He is a kind of first responder for the Gospel. I can't think of anyone better for the job. Go Hal!
Diane Chapman is our activities coordinator. When we go places to help those in need or explore different types of prayer, worship, and spiritualities Diane is the lady who makes it all happen. She is keyed into some many different groups and parished throughout the Diocese, that I am in awe. Diane puts the Active in activities coordiantor. Thanks for everything Diane!
To all of our sponsors to work with the candidates, and others who help in so many ways, thank you as well, RCIA would not happen without you.
We have some great people on the RCIA team. If you want to be a part of it let me know. We are looking for people comfortable sharing their faith with others, and working in a team environment. We are always looking for help with dismissals and new sponsors. There are many ways to help, from administrative help, to teaching, praying, or help finding sponsors in the parish. If you are interested please contact myself or Marcial Lopez.
Minutes from the Team Meeting
We first discussed updating the calendar as follows:
Sept. 7th dismissal for 8:30 mass will be Darleen Coco
Sept. 21 Dismissal for 8:30 mass will be Diane Chapman
Next Team meetings will be Sept. 11th, Oct. 9th and Nov. 13th.
We will keep same time of 7:00 p.m. at the Seton Center on all meetings.
Sept. 2 Catechumen Topic “Divine Mercy Chaplet; Darleen may do and will discuss further with Dave Campbell.
Oct. 28th for Catechumen topic “The Lord’s prayer” will be Hal Gansert.
Nov. 11th Catechumen Topic of Salvation History; Christ will be led by Marcial Lopez. (Dave will e-mail info to Marcial)
Dec. 2 Catechumen Topic of “Centering Prayer” will be led by Joan Gansert.
Feb. 22nd will be Rite of Elections for Catechumens and their Sponsors at the Convention Center sometime after the last Mass.
Darleen Coco will contact Diane Chapman to see if she has any set dates for activities.
We will try to schedule an “Anointing of Catechumens” sometime in mid Nov.-mid. Dec. Dave Jordan prefers Nov. 16th. Darleen Coco will contact Linda Lopez to see when Father Andre is available for an 8:30 Mass. This will entail a anointing of oil by the Father to increase the Catechumen’s Faith and give them strength for their journey. Catechumens will attend with their Sponsors.
We will have an announcement at Mass for our need for Catechists. Marcial will have training for Catechists “In-Service” on August 21st and 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Seaton Center. We are still looking for more volunteers for teaching some of the classes or doing Dismissals. Darleen Coco will follow up with phone calls to Father Lou and Msgr. Anthony. Dave Campbell will talk to Father Andre to see if he is interested in meeting with us or teaching any classes.
Dave Campbell will contact Teresa Ellis and Paul Townsend regarding dismissals.
We discussed the Rite of Acceptance for Art Bale that was held Aug. 10th 8:30 Mass. All concluded that it t went very well. Dave Jordan suggested that the Bible and Crucifix might be held by the Sponsor or Alter Server while waiting for it to be given to Catechumen. Marcial will look for Liturgical Book for the next Rite of Acceptance for Father Andre rather than have it printed out.
Friday, August 15th, Dave Campbell will meet with Father Andre to discuss the fast track for Art Bales Baptism
Dave Campbell asked for any feedback on the Web Page of“” He added the “Rite of Acceptance” process and has links for other Rites. He is looking for suggestions of anything to add such as links or events. He is in process of adding more of the Catechumen Topics. It now has a link from IHM web page.
This years Lenten Retreat for the Catechumens may need to be piggybacked with another Parishes Retreat. Marcial will ask for dates from Mark Price for Resurrection Retreat. Marcial also suggest having Catechumens getting involved in the community such as Bethlehem Night.
Dave Campbell and Marcial Lopez will conduct interviews for 5 new Inquirers and their families.he prefers Aug. 24th after Mass or the 19th and 26th is also good.
Topics for next meeting:
Activities scheduled dates
Firm up dates for Lenten Retreat
Review of guidelines for early Baptism (as might be applied to Art Bale)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Team Meeting August 13th
Here is the agenda for Wednesday's meeting:
Introductions of any attendees(1 min)
Review Upcoming events on the calendar (10 min)
Dismissal Signups (5 min)
-Review Draft Calendar
Schedule meetings for November (5 min)
Anointing of the Catechumens for November and December (5 min)
Catechist Training in August (5 min)
Stretch (2 Min)
Webpage (5 min)
-Any feedback, things that should be put up there.
Tuesday Night Topics Sign Up (5 min)
-Need help
-lesson plans are already prepared, choose a topic you are comfortable with
Activities (15 min)
-What is coming up and should be put on the calendar
-Lent Retreat?
Rite of Acceptance was held for Art Bale (5 min)
-How did it go.
Review Status of Catechumens and Confirmandi (This is a confidential and respectful topic) (10 min)
Meeting with Fr. Andre for the coming Friday (5 min)
-Any suggested topics
RCIA and the our new Pastor (5 min)
-Do we need to meet with him?
New Business for next meeting (5 min)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Rite of Acceptance: What is it?
At the Rite of Acceptance inquirers or candidates as the may be called are inducted into the Order of Catechumens, in that Church recognizes them as her own. The Canidate states publicly theeir intention to become Catholic, and the Church accepts the responsibility for forming the candidate in the faith.
After the Rite of Acceptance, a catechumen though still unbaptized can legitmately call themselves Catholic.
The Rite can happen at any time in the year, and we general schedule it when have a group of inquirers who are ready to become catechumens. We will have a Rite of Acceptance if there is even a single inquirer who is ready, but if there are multiple inquirers who may be ready soon we may delay a little. It is better to have a big Rite of Acceptance once in a awhile, than to have lots of little Rites of Acceptances every week or so.
The big hallmark of the Rite of Acceptance, is where the priset and the sponsors sign the senses of the catechumens, as well as the presentations of the Bible and the Cross.
Responses for the Rite of Acceptance
Opening Dialogue
Priest: What is you Name?
Candidate: [Name]
Priest: What do you aks of God's Church?
Candidate: Faith.
Priest: What does Faith offer you?
Candidate: Eternal Life.
Candiates First Acceptance of the Gospel
Priest: {Gives and instrucion according to Form A, B, or C, after which he asks a the Candidate a question.} Are you prepare to begin this journey today under the guidance of Christ?
Candidate: I am.
Dismissal of Catechumens
Priest: Catechumens, Go in peace, and may the Lord remain with you always.
Catechumens: Thanks be to God.
Rite of Acceptance
The presider invites the participants and their sponsors to come forward.
Presider: Dear friends:
The Church joyfully welcomes today [NAME] who will be received into the order of catechumens.
In the months to come he will prepare for his initiation
into the Christian faith by baptism, confirmation and eucharist.
For him we give thanks and praise to the God who has led him to oneness in faith.
My dear candidate, you are welcomed in the name of faith.
Addressed to each individually.
Presider: What do you ask of God's Church?
Response: Faith.
Presider: What does faith offer you?
Response: Eternal life.
Presider: This is eternal life: to know the one true God and Jesus Christ, who he has sent. Christ has been raised from the dead and appointed by God as the Lord of life and ruler of all things, seen and unseen.
If, then, you wish to become his disciple and members of his Church, you must be guided to the fullness of the truth that he has revealed to us. You must learn to make the mind of Christ Jesus your own. You must strive to pattern your life on the teachings of the Gospel and so to love the Lord your God and your neighbor. For this was Christ’s command and he was its perfect example.
Are you ready to accept these teachings of the Gospel?
Response: I am.
Presider: Sponsor, you now present this candidate to us.
Are you ready to help this candidate find and follow Christ?
Sponsors: I am.
Presider: We now ask you, the parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary and all who are gathered here with us.
Are you ready to help these candidates find and follow Christ?
All: We are.
The presider moves to the catechumens with his/her sponsor.
Presider: Are you ready to take up the cross and follow Jesus Christ?
Response: I am.
The presider traces a cross on the forehead of the candidate and says:
Presider: [N.], receive the cross + on your forehead.
It is Christ himself who now strengthens you
with this sign of his love.
Learn to know him and to follow him.
The sponsor signs as the presider says:
Presider: Receive the sign of the cross on your ears,
that you may hear the voice of the Lord.
Receive the sign of the cross on your eyes,
that you may see the glory of God.
Receive the sign of the cross on your lips,
that you may respond to the word of God.
Receive the sign of the cross over your heart,
that Christ may dwell there by faith.
Receive the sign of the cross on your shoulders,
that you may bear the gentle yoke of Christ.
Receive the sign of the cross on your hands,
that Christ may be known in the work you do.
Receive the sign of the cross on your feet,
that you may walk in the way of Christ.
The presider makes the sign of the cross over all the candidates at once:
Presider: I sign you with the sign of eternal life
in the name of the Father +, and the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Presider: Let us pray:
Almighty God, by the cross and resurrection of your Son you have given life to your people.
Your servant has received the sign of the cross. Make him living proof of it's saving power, and help him to persevere in the footsteps of Christ.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Presider: [Names], share with us at the table of God’s word.
Following the Homily
Presider: [Name], receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
You have been marked with the cross of Christ. Receive now the sign of his love.
Presider: This catechumen, who is our brother, has already traveled a long road. We rejoice with him in the gentle guidance of God who has brought him to this day. Let us pray that he may press onwards, until he comes to share fully in our way of life.
RCIA catechist reads intercessions:
That God our Father may reveal his Christ to them more and more with every passing day, let us pray to the Lord.
That they may undertake with generous hearts and souls whatever God may ask of them, let us pray to the Lord.
That they may have our sincere and unfailing support every step of the way, let us pray to the Lord.
That they may find in our community compelling signs of unity and generous love, let us pray to the Lord.
That their hearts and ours may become more responsive to the needs of others, let us pray to the Lord.
That in due time they may be found worthy to receive the baptism of new birth and renewal in the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
Presider: God of all creation, we ask you to look favorably on your servants [NAMES]; make them fervent in spirit, joyful in hope, and always ready to serve your name.
Lead them, Lord, to the baptism of new birth, so that, living a fruitful life in the company of your faithful, they may receive the eternal reward that you promise.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
Catechumens, go in peace and may the Lord remain with you always.
Catechumens are lead out of the Church by the RCIA Catechist carrying a lecionary.
Mass resumes with the Litrugy of the Eucharist. The General Intercessions and Creed may be omitted. If the General intercessions are omitted, then the intentions for the world and the church should be added into the intercessions for the Catechumens.