The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dismissal Checklist

Breaking Open the Word and RCIA Mass Dismissal Check List

-Get the key for the Ministry Center or other scheduled location ahead of time.

-Read the Sunday’s readings ahead of time so you are prepared.

-Bring the readings and the Dismissal Prayers with you.
-Arrive to Mass 15 min. early.
-Make sure the Priest knows there is an RCIA Dismissal after the Homily.
-Get a spare copy of Lectionary from the Sacristy.
-After the Homily, go to the front of the Church holding up the Lectionary. (Do this before the Priest stands up, it will remind him about the dismissal)

-The Priest will call the Catechumens and the Candidates forward and bless them.

-After the blessing lead them out of the Church holding up the Lectionary.
-Lead them to the session location. This is where the key comes in handy.
-Begin with a Prayer.

-Have volunteers read the readings.
-Discuss them, give everyone a chance to share, but do not let any one person dominate.
-The session should take about 30 minutes.
-Close with a prayer.
-Sign the calendars of the catechumens.
-Close up any doors that were opened.

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