The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Catechists For Adults

Our parish is having a catechist in service, and I am helping with the Adults. Here is some material I am giving to them.

Catechists for Adults
- Catechist after Christ’s own heart.
- The best of the best.
- Love their students so much they refuse to teach them anything but the truth in all its fullness.
- Adapt and overcome.

Tips of the trade

- Talk about Christ.

o Never waste anytime getting to the topic of the Good Lord. 5 Minutes is too long. Use Mary as your example, she always points to her Son.
o No one is interested in the Church, as much as they are interested in God working through the Church.
o Share why you believe with the class early and often.

- Lesson Planning

o Plan Backwards: Start with what you want them to leave your class with.
o Then design everything to build up to it.
o Cut out the fluff.
o KISS – keep it simple stupid.
o Teach systematically. Cover the essentials first. Answer their questions.
o Use the catechism to find out what the essentials are.
o Rarely if ever use the CCC in class.
o CCC online:

- Generate Energy

o No yawning, act excited to be there
o In large groups never sit down. Go into the grab their attention when you need it.
o Look them in the face.
o In small groups, the more conversation the better.
o Ask questions, and then wait for the answer. Then work with what they give you.
o Ask for volunteers, and choose victims.
o Play games once in a while. Jeopardy, Hangman, Pictionary

- Bible

o Use it as much as possible.
o Have them use it.
o Tell them to bring it with them, that they are going to use it.
o Have them find the books, don’t give them page numbers.
o Have them read it, explain it, and teach it to each other
o Explain what happens in the Bible as stories, and the characters are very similar to us in many cases.
o Use a concordance to help with you lesson plan.
- Yes it is protestant, but the tools are still good, and free.
- Use the New Revised Standard, and you can search for words and phrases in parts of the Bible
- The NAB online:
o You have to read it to teach it. Here are bible studies on the weekly readings if you need help:

- Most important material in order or precedence:

o Bible
- Especially the Gospels which tell the life of Christ
o Catechism
o The personal witness and holiness of the catechist.
o Other programs, materials, books, and stuff are generally pretty useless, though some can be more helpful if you need ideas to get off of the ground. They are like training wheels, and in time are discarded, or at least rarely used.


What follows can be considered the opinion of Dave Campbell and is only worth as much as that.

What is the role of new media in catechesis and evangelization?

Internet-Should be largely used outside of the classroom. The Internet can be used to organize and socialize and quickly disseminate information. The internet can aid those looking for you, and for what you do. The internet has no role in the class room.

Video-Videos make good supplemental information for outside of the classroom. Videos can be used for make up work. They can be good from recruiting, inspiring, and advertising. Videos are best used outside the classroom. Except to tell a short inspiring story a video has no significant roll in the classroom. Videos are commonly used a crutch for a catechist, who lacks the time or willingness to master the material. Videos of only exceptional quality should ever be shown, and even then they may lack the connection that a live person can make with the class. A video has no faith.

Power Point – Power Point and similar presentations are often used incorrectly. Power point should be used to illustrate points and provide context for what the presenter is doing. Pictures and illustrations that match what the person is talking about. The presenter should never be reading from their power point. In the classroom, this is optional, and a good white board may negate any need for it.

Music- can be used for mediation, socializing, praise, or fellowship. It can be a good aide in the right spots. Music is probably best used when everyone participates. Different people like different music, and different music is more or less appropriate for catechetical and liturgical settings, and so care should be exercised when selecting music to use.

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