The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Team Meeting August 13th

The next RCIA Team meeting is Wednesday August 13th at 7:00 PM in the Elizabeth Ann Seton Center. This meeting is for teachers and sponsors. Class on Tuesday night remains unchanged.

Here is the agenda for Wednesday's meeting:

Introductions of any attendees(1 min)

Review Upcoming events on the calendar (10 min)

Dismissal Signups (5 min)
-Review Draft Calendar

Schedule meetings for November (5 min)
Anointing of the Catechumens for November and December (5 min)

Catechist Training in August (5 min)

Stretch (2 Min)

Webpage (5 min)
-Any feedback, things that should be put up there.

Tuesday Night Topics Sign Up (5 min)
-Need help
-lesson plans are already prepared, choose a topic you are comfortable with

Activities (15 min)
-What is coming up and should be put on the calendar
-Lent Retreat?

Rite of Acceptance was held for Art Bale (5 min)
-How did it go.

Review Status of Catechumens and Confirmandi (This is a confidential and respectful topic) (10 min)

Meeting with Fr. Andre for the coming Friday (5 min)
-Any suggested topics

RCIA and the our new Pastor (5 min)
-Do we need to meet with him?

New Business for next meeting (5 min)

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